Gesu Parish prepares individuals to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation and Marriage. Sacramental preparation is a community experience, and young people, their families and the parish community are all encouraged to participate in this process.
Contact the Parish Office at (216) 932-0617 for general information about the celebration of Baptism at the Church of the Gesu and to begin the registration process. This includes attending a Baptism class, which is required for parents who bring their first child to this sacrament. Baptism sponsors (godparents) are encouraged to attend as well.
The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion are traditionally celebrated during the second grade year. Preparation consists of parent meetings, classroom instruction and family activities for the children to develop an understanding of each Sacrament at their level. Please contact Kylie Gillespie for more information.
Students in grades nine to eleven, who have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist are invited to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Preparation involves catechesis and prayer experiences for the students and their sponsors. Please contact Kylie Gillespie for more information.
Couples desiring to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage are asked to meet with a priest who will begin the marriage preparation process. Contact Elona Gortz for more information.
This program provides thoughtful preparation and religious instruction for children with mental and/or physical disabilities to celebrate the Sacraments and learn how to participate in the Mass. For more information or to discuss your child’s specific needs, email Kylie Gillespie.