Annually, we hold a Fair Trade Festival, hosting vendors selling coffee, food, clothing and other items made by artisans who earn a fair wage for their work. For more information, contact Amy Zucca Amy Zucca.
The Legion of Mary, the largest worldwide lay apostolate in the Catholic Church, is committed to the spiritual formation of its members, who in turn reach out to others through spiritual works of mercy. The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin in 1921 and has been active in the United States since 1931. “Our Lady of Perpetual Help,” the Gesu Parish Legion of Mary chapter, has a year-round open invitation to parishioners for enrollment as active or auxiliary members. You are welcome to be a guest at one of its meetings to become familiar with the responsibilities and benefits of membership. For more information, contact Christie Okocha or Diane Mackay.
Members participate in spiritual, educational and service activities to promote the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception through natural death. Meetings are held after the Rosary which is scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Marian Chapel. Check the bulletin or contact Diane Mackay for more information.
Alternatives to Abortion Resources
Birthright >
Womankind >
Alternaterm >
Healing the Wounds of Abortion Resources
Project Rachel >
Rachel’s Vineyard >
Bethesda, The House of Mercy >
H.E.A.R.T. >
*Counselors provide confidential and non-judgmental advice.