In September of 2012, Gesu Parish embarked on a major undertaking with the help and guidance of Fr. Tom Sweetser, SJ, of the Parish Effectiveness Project to evaluate our parish, its leadership and many projects, activities and ministries.
Through the use of a survey and hundreds of conversations with parish leaders and parishioners, we worked together to form a new model of “being parish” ensuring the inclusion of parishioners, good communications, and structures that foster good decision-making on all levels.
The Parish Assessment and Renewal Process helped us to design a working model involving the Parish Pastoral Council, five Commissions (Worship, Faith Formation, Outreach, Community Life and Administration) and the parish staff. The Commissions meet regularly for a common Leadership Night where the best of insights and ideas might find their way into the life of the parish. Each Commission is represented on the Pastoral Council that meets periodically throughout the year. This faith-filled leadership body, guided by the Holy Spirit and the Gospel, works in conjunction with the pastor and parish staff to discern the needs of the parish, as well as guide the parish in building a strong Catholic faith community.
Mission: Explore the core values and essentials of the parish as a whole, articulate them, and use them to guide and direct the parish.
Vision: Work together to help form a vision rooted in our Mission Statement, aware of the growing needs of our parish, the surrounding demographic area, and our neighboring parishes and institutions.
Focus: This council strives to provide a common direction and a focus for the parish as a whole, and for the five Commissions in their respective ministries and activities.
Link: To connect with each organization or ministry associated with its area.
Assess: To evaluate what is going on and hold individuals and groups accountable for what they said they would do.
Vision: To dream what could happen in their area of ministry and to set goals for the future.
Funnel: To set up ministry groups to accomplish the goals. (Form the group, give it a job description and timeline to follow, provide support and encouragement as they work towards those goals.)