50+ CLUB
The Gesu 50+ Club is open to all members of the parish but is most popular with seniors. Monthly events, including luncheons, dinners, performances and bus trips, are held from September-June. Email Jane and Dale Lewis or Micki Maniscalco at (440) 646-9516 for more information.
The African American Families of Gesu strives to create a medium of contact and support for African American and multi-racial children, parents and parishioners of Gesu Catholic School and Church of the Gesu. The aims of the group include providing families with a formalized network to share concerns, strategies and successes related to the growth and development of the African American community at Gesu; organizing speakers and programming relevant to the objectives of the organization; supporting the children and families of Gesu, with an emphasis on community building, in order to provide a positive experience for, and an increase in the population of, African American and multi-racial families at Gesu; and increasing the knowledge of and exposure to predominantly African American parishes, programming and resources for African Americans in the Diocese of Cleveland. Membership is open to all Gesu parishioners and families with children enrolled in Gesu School. Contact Jessica E. Price Smith
for more information.
The Gesu Booster Club is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting, coordinating and financing youth athletics for both Gesu School and PSR children in grades 1 through 12. Booster Club Board Meetings are held monthly. All are welcome. Volunteers are also needed to serve as coaches and to help with the Booster fundraisers. Contact Andrew Salata for more information.
The Gesu Parish Block Party is an annual summer gathering of parishioners along Miramar Boulevard. This is one of the parish’s most popular events. Free food is offered along with live music, games and entertainment. Volunteers are always needed. Contact Joe Gehring or Ed Mozdzen for more information.
Adults of all skill levels are welcome to join us at 7:00 pm on Monday nights at Freeway Lanes of Solon. We play for 33 weeks starting in early September. It is never too late to join! Contact Bryan Barrett for more information.
Troop 620 has been an established troop in Gesu Church since 1960. Membership is open to all youths of the parish who are ten years of age or older and have completed the 5th grade. The focus of the troop is on charachter development, service, hiking, camping and spending time outdoors. Contact Brett Young at Troop620.gesu@gmail.com for more information.
Membership in Cub Scout Pack 620 is open to all youth of the parish in Grades K through 5. The objectives of the group are: citizenship training, character development and personal fitness. For more information, contact Ed Mozdzen for more information.
The parish offers donuts after Mass periodically throughout the year. This is a great opportunity to find out about different ways to get involved at Gesu, meet new parishioners, and catch up with friends. Look in the weekly bulletin and parish website for upcoming Donut Sunday dates. Contact Jennifer Gardner if you’d like to help.
Happy Together is a parent/child class for children, ages 16-30 months, which utilizes a playgroup setting and meets for one hour on Monday mornings. TOPS (Time Out for Parents) is a drop-off class for two- and three-year-old children (pre-school). We run this class from 8:45-11:15 am Tuesday through Friday.
Both classes take place during the school year in our classroom in the lower level of Gesu School. The fall session is a twelve week session and the winter/spring session is fifteen weeks. For more information, contact Karen Smith.
The Girls Scouts of the USA program is open to all girls of Gesu Church from kindergarten through high school. Email Erin Donovan Goldwood for more information.
The New Parishioner Welcoming Committee has the goal of welcoming new parishioners, helping them meet others and introducing them to the various organizations and opportunities in the Parish. Contact Mandee Jones for more information.
The Pancake Breakfast is held on a winter Sunday morning in the Gesu Family Center. After each Mass, individuals and families can socialize, purchase a delicious and reasonably priced homemade pancake breakfast, and purchase tickets for a drawing held after the 11:30 am Mass. This opportunity to get together is also the fundraiser for our annual Parish Block Party in August. Join neighbors and friends for this annual event. If you’d like to help, contact Dr. and Mrs. Marius Laniauskas.
All women of the parish are members of Gesu Women’s Guild. This dynamic group of women provides service to our parish, hosts opportunities for prayerful reflection, and hosts a major fundraising event that provides an opportunity for the women of the parish to socialize. Contact Kathleen Miller for more information.
Gesu Young Families is for parishioners with children from birth through elementary school age. The purpose of the group is to provide interesting, fun and helpful activities for parents and children. During the year, various social, spiritual, recreational and community service opportunities are offered, including playgroups. Contact Bianca Beach or Karrie Sweeney for more information.