


Altar Servers are young people in the sixth, seventh and eighth grade who assist at Masses, weddings and funerals. Servers are encouraged to extend their ministry into their high school years. Email Kylie Gillespie for more information. 

A series of training videos has been recorded to help new altar servers become more familiar with the process. They can be viewed by clicking here >


Those involved in this ministry assist the families at the time of the celebration of Baptism at weekend liturgies or on Sunday afternoon.  


Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of Communion at weekend Liturgies, and are available for other liturgical events throughout the year. They serve on a regular schedule particularly at the Mass they usually attend. Diocesan training is required. The ministry is open to adults and seniors in high school. Contact Kylie Gillespie for more information.


Eucharistic Ministers take Communion to the sick and/or homebound in nursing homes, hospitals and homes. Contact Amy Zucca for more information.


Adults assist at funerals in setting up, providing support for families and friends on arrival, and being available to the priests and younger servers during the funeral Mass. Scheduling is on an as-available basis. 


Lectors proclaim the Word of God at weekend Liturgies, and other liturgical events throughout the year. Training is provided. We also encourage young people to consider this ministry. Contact Pat Murphy  for more information.


Men and women are encouraged to join this dedicated group that assists in the hospitality of our worship life. They take up the collection and are available for any needs throughout Mass. Contact Mike Scalabrino for more information.


Please contact Mark Ehrbar for more information on any of the music ministries below.


Serving as the cornerstone of our music ministry, the Magis Ensemble serves at our 10:00 am Sunday morning liturgy. In addition, this group is also present for all major liturgies in the parish throughout the Church year. Magis Ensemble is made up of choral singers and executes repertoire that represents the broad spectrum of sacred music in the Catholic tradition. Along with featured choral pieces, the vast amount of music sung by the Magis Ensemble is the song of the assembly. Rehearsals take place approximately one Wednesday evening per month, as well as Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00 am. Singers of all (or any) experience are welcome!


The Loyola Chamber Orchestra is a group of professional, Cleveland-based musicians who elevate the liturgical experience of feasts and special liturgies. The whole group, which represents instruments of the brass, string, woodwind and percussion families plays four times a year (Christ the King, Christmas Eve, Easter Vigil, Pentecost). Other liturgies may include smaller ensembles derived from the Loyola Chamber Orchestra.


Our Bell Choir “rings” periodically throughout the year.  Rehearsals are scheduled only to prepare for the coming Mass where bells will be used.  Anyone is welcome to be on our roster, regular availability not required.


Made up of members of our day school. The School Liturgy Choir sings at school Masses on Friday morning.


Open to some of our youngest parishioners. This group sings at the 4:30 pm Mass on Christmas Eve. Second through eighth graders are welcome.