Invitation to New Catechists

Just what is a “Catechist?”  
The word catechist comes from the Greek word “to echo.” As catechists, we echo the teachings of the Church. We also echo our own personal relationship with Jesus Christ through our words and deeds. 

Is God calling YOU in a specific way?  

As we look to a new year here at Church of the Gesu, especially for those children (kindergarten through high school!) and families attending our neighboring schools, we are inviting you to listen, to be attentive, to hear God’s call as a catechist! Serving as a catechist is more than simple volunteerism. It is more than filling a slot. It is a vocation: a call from God to serve his Church! 

We are looking for those who have:

   • A desire to grow in and share the Catholic faith
   • An awareness of God’s grace and the desire to respond to that grace
   • A commitment to the Church’s liturgical and sacramental life and moral teachings
   • A strength of character built on patience, responsibility, confidence and creativity
   • A generosity of spirit, respect for diversity, and a habit of hospitality and inclusion

Knowledge and Skills
   • A basic understanding of Catholic teaching, Scripture and Catholic Tradition
   • Honest and caring relationships with the age group being served
   • Developing effective teaching techniques and strategies

Serving as a catechist is an opportunity to grow in faith for yourself, as well as for the young people in one’s care. And it does not happen always alone!  Being a catechist is rooted in a community of other persons and families who desire the same thing! And in that community, we also find people who can help us grow and discover the knowledge and skills that are central to our “passing on” the Faith to our young ones! 

If you find yourself intrigued, or curious, or would like more information, please contact Sister Kathleen at the parish office.