Gesu Parish Examen


A number of years ago, the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus designed a process to help claim and foster the unique Jesuit charism of all its parishes. It is now our time to claim together what elements of our parish are most reflective of the Jesuit mission and where we may feel a call to grow.

We do this together, as a parish and a province. The Examen is a prayer. Like all prayer, we hope this process deepens our sense of where we are before a God who gazes at us lovingly. We look forward to sharing in the fruit of that prayer as we discover together with whom and for whom we might be of even greater service for the greater glory of God.

The Society has given us some guidelines as starting points.

  • We will use an ASSESSMENT to help draw out our experience to notice and become aware of what is actually occurring (or not) in our parish.
  • Following this are some REFLECTION questions to engage our hearts individually and then as a group to sift through these movements of the heart, especially those held in common.
  • This is where we hope to discover our collective call. Our COMMITMENTS to each other, and from the Province to us, will help deepen our charism and strengthen our contribution to the Church.

There are five elements of Jesuit Parish Ministry that will guide our reflections and direction:

  • Liturgical Celebration of the Sacraments 
          Liturgy, Worship, Community
  • Evangelization Forming 
          Missionary Disciples
  • Collaborative Ministry 
          Collaboration in Mission
  • A Preferential Love for the Poor 
          Faith that Does Justice
  • Jesuit Charisms Rooted in the Spiritual Exercises 
          Ignatian Spirituality

So, in the coming months there will be some deep engagement on these topics with the parish staff, the parish pastoral council, the leadership commissions (administration, community life, faith formation, outreach and worship) and the parish as a whole.

We ask for your prayers and support as we engage in this process for the Province and for the strengthening of our life as a parish community.